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Klaar om te beginnen? We zijn hier om te helpen. Vul uw bedrijfsgegevens in en we nemen zo snel mogelijk contact met u op.



Onze gegevens tonen aan dat inloggegevens zijn gelekt als gevolg van een datalek.

Geen zorgen, we zijn hier om te helpen. Vraag hieronder een demo aan en we helpen u de inbreuk te identificeren en te volgen.



Onze gegevens tonen aan dat inloggegevens zijn gelekt als gevolg van een datalek.

Geen zorgen, we zijn hier om te helpen. Vraag hieronder een demo aan en we helpen u de inbreuk te identificeren en te volgen.

Onze gegevens tonen aan dat uw e-mail is gecompromitteerd als onderdeel van een infostealer-infectie!

Infostealers zijn schadelijke programma's die gevoelige informatie, zoals e-mails, wachtwoorden, creditcards en andere persoonlijke gegevens, kunnen stelen van geïnfecteerde apparaten.

We raden aan om deze stappen zo snel mogelijk te volgen:

  • Wijzig uw wachtwoorden onmiddellijk.

  • Schakel tweestapsverificatie (2FA) in waar mogelijk.

  • Controleer recente activiteit op uw e-mail op ongebruikelijke inlogpogingen of transacties.

  • Scan uw apparaat op malware met een betrouwbaar antivirusprogramma om bedreigingen te verwijderen.

  • Zorg ervoor dat uw besturingssysteem en software up-to-date zijn.

  • Zorg ervoor dat er geen gekraakte software op uw computer is geïnstalleerd.


Niet Gevonden!

Nog geen blootgestelde inbreuken met betrekking tot uw bedrijf!

Our comprehensive feeds are updated twice a day, which means every day is a possibility of capturing data related to your organization. We recommend to request a demo for detailed explanation of our services and how we can help you prevent data breaches in advance.

Goed nieuws - Geen lekken!

Uw e-mailadres is niet gevonden in infostealer-malwarelogs of gecompromitteerde combinatielijsten.


Uw informatie lijkt veilig te zijn. Blijf goede beveiligingspraktijken volgen om uw accounts te beschermen!

Volg ons:


Zoeken in:

  • Infostealer Logs

  • Credential Stuffing Feeds

  • Combinatielijsten (ULP)

  • Logs van phishingcampagnes


Alleen op uitnodiging

Wij werken alleen op uitnodiging. Vraag een demo aan om te kunnen aanmelden/inloggen.


Bedankt voor uw inschrijving!

We zullen u e-mailen voor updates, blogposts, nieuw onderzoek en meer!


Bij Dark Entry geloven we in de kracht van samenwerking en het opbouwen van sterke relaties. Onze partnerpagina is waar we de gewaardeerde organisaties en bedrijven tonen waarmee we samenwerken om uitzonderlijke producten en diensten aan onze klanten te leveren.



Trend Micro Inc. is an American-Japanese cyber security software company. The company has globally dispersed R&D in 16 locations across every continent excluding Antarctica. The company develops enterprise security software for servers, containers, & cloud computing environments, networks, and end points.

Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates



Inovasys, is a system integrator company operating between Europe, UAE, and Egypt, established in 2014. We have been at the forefront of technology serving with the most advanced IT infrastructure, data and cyber security, wireless solutions, data centers solutions, physical security solutions, and passive infrastructures.

Egypt, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia


Master Linux

Master Linux is one of the pioneering companies in the ME region working in IT services and training. It provides solutions and services required for managing efficient and highly available and secured enterprise environments. Master Linux provides advanced training in IT and IT management with the help of its highly qualified staff.

Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Saudi Arabia



Securenass is a specialized cyber-Security solutions, Services and Digital Forensics Provider, which has its Middle East headquarters in Riyadh. It also has branch offices throughout Africa with its premier office in Egypt. Our services includes GRC, PCI, IT Audit and other cybersecurity services and consultation.

Egypt, Saudi Arabia



ZeroSploit is on a mission to empower businesses and organizations to thrive in the digital age while staying secure in the face of evolving cyber threats. With a passion for cybersecurity and a commitment to excellence, we offer a range of cutting-edge services, such as Expert SOC, precise risk analysis and hands-on security awareness training.

Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United States



Driven by our passion for fulfillment and strong experience with enterprise and service provider markets; we strive to bring our customers with best fit solutions that maintain the equilibrium between technical needs and requirements as well as business goals and challenges. We provide the right mix of supreme quality solutions and project delivery.

Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Netherlands, Poland


IT Shield

IT Shield is leading cyber security services provider, based in UK, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, delivering world class solutions since establishment in 2017, as well as individuals and groups training in the various disciplines of cyber security and technology through IT Shield Academy, in addition of providing the needed cyber security awareness for the employees by BeShield Awareness Training Program tools.

Saudi Arabia



SECLINQ is a professional services firm focused on offensive security services. We protect organizations by assessing their infrastructure and applications, identify weaknesses, remediating security issues. We serve organizations in various industries, providing high-quality security services. Our services includes Blue and Red Teaming. Our mission is to help organizations understand and resolve the security risks they are facing.

France, Netherlands, Poland


SMART Solutions

SMART Technology Solutions is a Saudi company started in 2007. We support companies, institutions and business owners technically in all their services needs. We create and manage IT services for you without the need to build your own department for that. At SMART, we're the lifeline of IT across diverse sectors – from creative dimensions to engineering's precision and beyond. We're about orchestrating flawless IT experiences!

Saudi Arabia



Founded in 1991, Omnix International provides expert digital solutions to private organizations and public sectors. Since establishing its headquarters in Dubai 32 years ago, Omnix has grown exponentially, particularly in the GCC region, with offices in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar helping hundreds of clients achieve their vision.

Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates


Eventus Security

We are a passionate group of highly skilled professionals, who deliver excellence in next generation cyber security services and tailored solutions for enterprises by defining proof of value and measuring it to achieve customer success. We provide cybersecurity since 2017 emerging as one of the preferred Partners of associates including Trendmicro.

India, United Arab Emirates


Kemet AI

KEMET AI was born with a vision to help companies elevate using technology, we have expertise in developing agile, efficient, and beautiful Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics. Our team is an extremely talented group of developers and business analysts to cater to the need of the Enterprise Application Development market.


Klaar om te beginnen? We zijn hier om te helpen! Vraag hieronder een demo aan: